copywriting, Illustration, Web Design

Elda Health

Website design for a health app focused on women's health. Elda Health is a women’s healthcare platform that is tailored for, the urban woman. Villacmyk worked on various aspects of the brand - visual language, website design and copywriting.

Visual Language & Website Design: A visual language was created which used illustrations as a means of telling the brand story. Feminine brand colours were introduced alongside strong greens which represent the healthcare industry. This not only made the brand look approachable and friendly but also emphasized that it was expert-led. A revised web structure and flow were created to accommodate and highlight varied minute aspects of the app. The website was factual, engaging and descriptive in nature to provide the user with all necessary health information.

Brand Tone of Voice & Copywriting: Elda Health tone of voice was confident yet compassionate, approachable and friendly, similar to the one of an experienced health expert. The copy was written keeping in mind the target audience of an urban 35+ woman.

Creative Direction & Design


Copywriting & Direction

Waseem Chishty


Social Script